How to Root Android 2.2 Froyo with one click

Z4root is free root tool that allows you to root and unroot your android 2.2 phone directly within only few second.  Here are the step by step instructions to root your Android 2.2 device with Z4root.

How to Root Android 2.2 Froyo

Step 1: Download Z4Root file from here

Step 2: Install Z4Root on your Android Phone.

Step 3: Enable your android phone USB debugging mode  (Menu>Settings>Applications>Development)

Step 4: Launch Z4Root on your android phone. Then Click on the Root button.

Step 5: Wait for few second for rooting process. Android phone will automatically reboot once root complete. Enjoy your root android phone.

How to Unroot Android 2.2 Froyo by Z4Root

Step 1: Launch Z4Root on your android phone. Then Click on the Unroot button.

Step 2: Wait for few second for unroot process.

Step 3: That's all. Now your phone has been unroot.

How safe is this?

Should be 100% safe - nothing on disk is changed besides the root binaries, so if something goes wrong, simply rebooting the device should fix up any and all issues.

Compatible Phone Devices

Samsung Galaxy S (All variants)
Sony X10
Xperia Mini
Drod 2
Galaxy Tab
Galaxy I5700
Galaxy 3 I5800
Droid X
Samsung Acclaim
Cricket Huawei Ascend
Motorola Cliq
Huawei 8120
Optimus T
Droid 1 (z4root 1.2.1)
Garmin Asus A50
Motorola Defy
LG Ally

Incompatible Phone Devices

Desire (requires nand unlock)
Desire HD (requires nand unlock)
Magic (unknown)
Evo (requires nand unlock)
G2 (requires nand unlock)
Archos 70 (unknown)
LG Optimus One (unknown)
myTouch 3G (unknown)
Droid Incredible


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