How to fix Windows XP Activation Loop

Do you encounter a windows XP activation loop? Where it continually ask you to activate windows, but the activation wizard will tells you that it is already activated.

What you need: Untouched Windows XP Disc Installer or Original/Backup copy of windowsXP Disc

I always encounter this problem everytime I repair-install a Windows XP system. So here is what I did to fix the problem. First restart your PC then

1.) Log onto Windows using SAFEMODE with command prompt.
2.) Wait until the windows boot then Type "explorer" in the command prompt.
3.) Explore Windows XP CD and copy the TOOLS folder (located at support folder) to C:\
4.) In the TOOLS folder extract the (this will create a new folder called deploy).
5.) Open the DEPLOY folder and run SYSPREP.
6.) Click FACTORY button. Notice that your PC will shut down.
7.) Power on your PC and wait till the windows desktop screen appear.
8.) Once finish Click RESEAL button and wait. Notice that your PC will shut down again.
9.) Power on again your PC and your done.

You may also be able to use the fix from Microsoft here
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online calculator on July 13, 2011 at 5:35 PM said...

Thanks a lot for sharing this nice post!You’ve done really excellent job!

Anonymous said...

Excellent article that just saved our bacon after a crash/repair. Thank you so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

You can also fix this by try a Key Changer tool. Even if the new key does not get applied the activation loop will be broken.

Unknown on August 6, 2012 at 3:39 AM said...

I can not extract the cab file it only opens it and if i extract the sysprep from there and try to run it, it says it can not be run so Im stuck

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